Lady Balfour

Lady Balfour potatoHigh yielding late maincrop variety with exceptional vigour under low fertility conditions. Oval, cream tubers with pink eyes and cream flesh.  Low to medium dry matter.  Rarely flowers.

Pest & disease resistance

Resistant to late blight and potato cyst nematode. Good resistance; foliage blight and tuber blight (not blue_13 strain). Blackleg, powdery scab and virus Yo. Partial nematode resistance; Ro1 of Globodera rostochiensis and Pa2/3 of G.pallida.


8204a4 x 15119ac5
8204a4: Solanum demissum derived field resistance to late blight. 15119ac5: Solanum vernei derived partial resistance to golden and white potato cyst nematodes 
