Turnip - Massif
Excellent autumn and early winter feed for sheep and cattle.
The variety was added to the National List and is protected by Plant Breeder’s Rights.
- From three white-fleshed and four yellow-fleshed turnip cultivars
- Six generations of selection primarily for high dry-matter yield
- Mass multiplication of green skinned yellow-fleshed turnips to produce open-pollinated cultivar
Green-top yellow main turnip
Higher dry-matter yields than traditional Aberdeen Green Top Scotch
Dry-matter content slightly lower than Aberdeen Green Top Scotch (9.0% v 9.5%)
Cattle and Sheep
Graze in situ by sheep from September to January
Can be lifted to fatten cattle in winter
Comparison with swedes:
Faster growing
Sown later (June rather than May)
Grown at higher elevations on less fertile soils
Used early